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Wie viele Besucher könnte der Park aufnehmen



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On 03/07/2020 at 22:11, breakdancer said:

Gibt es dazu Neuigkeiten? Gerade zu „Corona“ dürfte die Zahl ein wenig variieren.


Ich hab dazu gerade auf coasterforce einen Beitrag geschrieben. Ich kopier den mal und füg den hier einfach so ein (Achtung Englisch!).


I was curious if the added area of Rookburgh would actually increase the capacity of Phantasialand in a meaningful way, since a lot of people always suggest this would be a good way to boost sales.

To find this out, we need the size of PHL, the size of Rookburgh and the current capacity of PHL.

The size of PHL:
I decided to get two measurements, the official size (including attractions, parking, offices, etc.) and the actual size of the park itself (only the area with attractions) by measuring it out in Google Earth.
Official size: 28ha
Actual size: 10,03ha (excluding RB)

The size of Rookburgh:
This was relatively straight forward, I just measured out the area in Google Earth.
Size of Rookburgh: 0,81ha

The current capacity of PHL:
This was a tricky one. I called Phantasialand to ask how many people are allowed in the park, however the nice lady on the phone said, that she doesn't know that and that this also wouldn't be communicated with her. The maximum allowed number of people in the park is individually agreed by the park and the Gesundheitsamt. So I had to make an educated guess.

After a bit of searching, I was able to find the max capacity of Holiday Park and Movie Park, 8000 people and 7000 people respectively.
Dividing the officially stated area by the maximum number of allowed visitors in the park gave me a number between 50qm/visitor and 70qm/visitor.
I went with 50qm/visitor, since I like the idea of PHL being busy.
If we divide the official size of PHL by 50qm we get (28ha/50qm) = 5.600 visitors
Keep in mind that this can be inaccurate, since I'm pretty sure that the Gesundheitsamt cares about the actual area inside the park that is actually accessible by guests. Maybe Holiday Park has a bigger parking lot and more areas that guests cannot access, but we don't know that.

If we now assume that the Gesundheitsamt really only cares about the area inside the park, we now want to find out how many square meters one guest has inside the park.
To do that we divide the actual park area by the maximum allowed number of visitors in the park (10,03ha/5.600) = 17,9qm/visitor

Now we now that if you want to admit one more guest into the park you need an additional 17,9 square meters.

Rookburgh is 0,81 hectares big, dividing by 17,9qm should give us the number of visitors added to the capacity of PHL!
The result is (drumroll please!🕺): 453 more visitors!

This would boost the capacity by 8% to a maximum of 6.053 visitors!
When everyone pays the full admission fee that gives PHL an additional 23.782,5€ in income per day.

Is that worth it? I don't know, I'm not an economist.
However I read that on the first of May 2001 (the day Gebirgsbahn and Grand-Canyon Bahn burned down) there were allegedly 20.000 people in the park. 

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vor 54 Minuten schrieb breakdancer:

Wie kommt es denn zu der Differenz zwischen offizieller Größe von 28 ha und 10,03 ha?

10 bzw ich glaube 12 hektar sind die Größe des Parks. 


Alles andere ist Verwaltung Hotels und natürlich ganz besonders die Parkplätze. 

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On 12/08/2020 at 18:32, breakdancer said:

Wie kommt es denn zu der Differenz zwischen offizieller Größe von 28 ha und 10,03 ha?


Sorry für die späte Antwort! Die offzielle Größe ist die Größe, die auf Wikipedia angegeben wird. Was da alles mit inbegriffen ist, weiß ich nicht; deswegen habe ich die für den Besucher erreichbare Größe genommen, da die denke ich auch mal die ausschlaggebene Größe ist, wenn es um Covid-Maximal-Einlasszahlen geht.


Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, habe ich auch mal auf Google Earth die gesamte Größe (inkl. Parkplätze, Verwaltung etc.) des PHL gemessen, bin aber immer noch nicht auf 28ha gekommen. Keine Ahnung wieso das ist..

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