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  1. Lustig
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Badu erhalten in Sonstige Veränderungen im Park   
    Ist ja auch für das PHL nichts Neues, aber es wird nun auf eine andere Weise angebracht und benutzt. Besser so.
    Leider sind die Wartezeiten immer sehr schief. Vor allem bij Talocan stimmen die normalerweise GAR nicht. Un den App ist sogar noch schlechter:  App: 20 Minuten. Am eingang: 40 Minuten. Nach 20 Minuten Schlange stehen (und Schlange ist eher langer als kürzer geworden) zeigt den App immer noch 20 Minuten an. Wirkliche wartezeit: 50 minuten.
    Das PHL sollte das mal im Griff bekommen.
  2. Lustig
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Tommy erhalten in Sonstige Veränderungen im Park   
    Ist ja auch für das PHL nichts Neues, aber es wird nun auf eine andere Weise angebracht und benutzt. Besser so.
    Leider sind die Wartezeiten immer sehr schief. Vor allem bij Talocan stimmen die normalerweise GAR nicht. Un den App ist sogar noch schlechter:  App: 20 Minuten. Am eingang: 40 Minuten. Nach 20 Minuten Schlange stehen (und Schlange ist eher langer als kürzer geworden) zeigt den App immer noch 20 Minuten an. Wirkliche wartezeit: 50 minuten.
    Das PHL sollte das mal im Griff bekommen.
  3. Traurig
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von achterbahndennis erhalten in Sonstige Veränderungen im Park   
    Ist ja auch für das PHL nichts Neues, aber es wird nun auf eine andere Weise angebracht und benutzt. Besser so.
    Leider sind die Wartezeiten immer sehr schief. Vor allem bij Talocan stimmen die normalerweise GAR nicht. Un den App ist sogar noch schlechter:  App: 20 Minuten. Am eingang: 40 Minuten. Nach 20 Minuten Schlange stehen (und Schlange ist eher langer als kürzer geworden) zeigt den App immer noch 20 Minuten an. Wirkliche wartezeit: 50 minuten.
    Das PHL sollte das mal im Griff bekommen.
  4. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von chris1996154 erhalten in Neu 20XX: Spekulationen/Wünsche   
    Fast alles im Efteling ist IP. Halt nicht so bekannt wie Disney und Co. aber Pardoes, und auch die Märchenfiguren haben eigene TV shows. Dazu gab es schon 30 jahre her Tonbänder mit die Eftelingfiguren (ich habe noch Einige davon). 

    Warom es nicht funktioniert ist schon oft sehr gut erklärt durch andere Freizeitparks: Weil die einen klassischen Darkride SEHR teuer ist, und die meisten Besucher es als langweilig sehen. Eine Achterbahn fährt man 20 Mahl am Tag, bei einen Darkride hat man Glück wenn besucher zwei Mal gehen. Sogar Thrill-artige darkrides funktionieren in die USA schon nicht mehr: Zeigt sich bei Curse of Darkastle. Ein Weltklasse Darkride, der abgerissen ist weil niemand damit fährt. Das ist auch der Grund warum heutzutage fast nur noch diese Thrill-Darkrides oder Interaktive Darkrides gebaut werden. Das system ist teuerer im Bau, aber billiger in Unterhalt und Leute fahren mehrfach an einem Besuch. Auch alles was zBs ETF noch von der Stange verkauft ist Interactiv. Wer nicht blind ist kan es recht einfach sehen: Klassischen Darkrides lohnen sich nicht ohne IP.

    Persönlich würde ich sogar behaupten das es sich mit IP auch nur noch lohnt, weil Disney, Universal, Efteling,... einfach dafür bekannt sind sehr gute Darkrides zu haben. 
    Und der EP: Auch dort ist der Darkride jetzt "Billiger" gestaltet und ist mit das neue Fahrsystem etwas (ein wenig) mehr "Thrill" zugefügt. Wie schon gesagt hätte sich das für denen warscheinlich auch nicht gelohnt wenn:
    A: Die versicherung nicht ein grossteil des Baus bezahlt hätte
    B: Die so das Transportsystem als austell-model benutzen können. 

    Off Topic: Es spannt mich ob die das Transportsystem noch verkaufen können, weil es für die meisten Parks sehr un-interssant ist. Das Hidden Reality System ist ja auch gefloppt weil einfacht nicht rasant genug. 
  5. Lustig
    Coasterfrenzy reagierte auf TOTNHFan in Sonstige Veränderungen im Park   
    "Seiner Bauart" ist dabei besonders wichtig. Weil unterbieten kann man Star Trek sicher nicht... 
  6. Lustig
    Coasterfrenzy reagierte auf Wintersun in [China Town] Geister Rikscha   
    Hollywood Tour ist doch auch noch in Wartung, oder nicht?
    Also wird die Rikscha bald wieder öffnen 😝
  7. WoW!
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Zuckerwatte erhalten in [China Town] Geister Rikscha   
    Ich habe immer Gänsehaut bekommen von den Spruch am ende ".. but be careful, the rikscha will NOT...STOP"

    Die Geschichte mit der Wartung finde ich irgendwie komisch. Es wundert mich ob die Rikscha je wieder auf macht.
  8. Churro!
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Ruechrist erhalten in Fragen eines seltenen Besuchers   
    Ein Park kan nur recht wenig machen um Defekte zu vermeiden. Ich glaube nicht das es da in der Realität viel Unterschiede gibt. Was schon eher unterschiedlich ist, ist wie schnell man ein Defekt wieder lösen kann. Dei bessere Parks können das durchaus sehr schnell (Disney, Universal, EP, PHL, Efteling) weil man gute Technikar hat und viele ersatzteile im Lager hat. 

    wie schon gesagt: Der PHL ist kleiner als der EP. Dazu Kommuniziert der PHL auch besser über Defekte über Monitore und App. Das sind alles so sachen wo durch man es schneller bemerkt. Bij meinen letzten besuch war FLY für eine kurze zeit kaputt.. Der einziger Grund das ich es weiss, ist weil ich es im App gesehen habe. Ohne App würde ich es nie bemerken.
  9. Traurig
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Mümpfchen erhalten in [China Town] Geister Rikscha   
    Ich habe immer Gänsehaut bekommen von den Spruch am ende ".. but be careful, the rikscha will NOT...STOP"

    Die Geschichte mit der Wartung finde ich irgendwie komisch. Es wundert mich ob die Rikscha je wieder auf macht.
  10. WoW!
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Ruechrist erhalten in [China Town] Geister Rikscha   
    Ich habe immer Gänsehaut bekommen von den Spruch am ende ".. but be careful, the rikscha will NOT...STOP"

    Die Geschichte mit der Wartung finde ich irgendwie komisch. Es wundert mich ob die Rikscha je wieder auf macht.
  11. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von PhantabulöserSebi erhalten in [Berlin] Nobis (Seit 2021)   
    Ich habe die Show gestern auch gesehen un sie hat uns sehr positiv überrascht.
    Einen Review von mir.. aber in English damit ich mir besser aus drücken kann.
    The Choreography at the start of the show first seemed a bit odd to me. But when the little poem started I was sold. At that moment I didn't consider it to be a story - or part of a story - yet, but more like the creation of a setting and atmosphere I really liked. The whole new darker setting and theming of the theatre, the music. Everything seemed to work perfectly together. (goes for the majority of the show BTW). This intro does exactly what it should do: Create the setting/Atmosphere and makes people curious about the rest.

    After this introduction there is a great musical built up to... NOTHING. The music breaks down and people start assembling a little stage in the center after which an extremely slow act starts. Don't get me wrong: The act is very good. But at the start of the show you need to create a great first impression and this really isn't doing it simply because of the anti-climax after the built-up and the slowness of the act. Third reason is that repeating visitors (and those are definitely not only Club members: Me and my mom neither have a membership, yet we get recognized by some employees) have been able to see basically the same act for at least a decade now. Sometimes in the summer season, sometimes in the winter season, but it's getting really old. Personally I would have adapted the Choreography in the intro in a way that the stage could have been already there (no anti-climax to built it up) and replace it with the rollerskating act (Off with a bang to get that great first impression). The current act would definitely be welcome back during another part of the show.
    I don't think the music is too bombastic in general. (like some people mentioned here). Rather; I think the acts don't live up to what the music is promising. The Duet with both singers is great, but the two men dancing in the back really don't provide a lot too look and the music itself isn't enough to entertain (I know some of you hated the "everybody" ending of Musarteum, but the song alone was enough to entertain people and have them participate). I would advise putting the dance crew to work for this act. Choreography doesn't necessarily need to change - it's really good -  but in this case: Numbers impress greatly. (actually: No matter how bad, stupid or silly a dance is, if enough people do it exactly at the same time, it will still look great to an audience). 
    What I really noticed was the great improvement in Light-Design during the whole show. The acts are lit perfectly and the whole lighting really give a great atmosphere. This is also why I rather wouldn't change the music (as some suggested), but just change some small things to some acts.. that would make it work together much much better than just changing the music (which would include changing lighting choreography and basically everything) 
    As many already mentioned: The continuing story feels forced and really doesn't add much good to the show. The idea behind it is good though. The stage needs to change, something needs to be removed, something else needs to be built up and you don't want people to look at that. A distraction in the form of a mystical story being told by a mystical half-white, half-black person does the trick for that, but doesn't really add to the show in a whole. And let's be honest here: It's really hard to get this right. A solution is to change up the acts a bit. They don't all have to play right in the middle. You can do one act more to the right of the stage and while it's going on there, another act can be built up on the left part. Or maybe use other parts of the stage. The advantage of this stage is that there are actually a lot of place where something can be performed. Of course there is the main stage, but there is also another level above in front of the curtains (former book cases) and there are even the balconies to the far left and right (where you now can see a fallen chandelier).  This can be used a lot more, especially when using dance. You could overwhelm people by so many different things to see, while at the same time: The main stage is free to built up the next stage. Especially now that there is more attention to live singing and dancing. (on a few occasion it is actually done this way, but they can do more).
    near the end of the show they basically make the same mistake as at the beginning: You want to go out with a BANG to keep a good lasting impression. To leave a good taste behind after the people leave the show, so that they are hungry for more and come back. The final act is again very good, but there are other acts in the show that would be better as finale.
    I agree that Gangsta's Paradise isn't the right song for the singer. His voice is way to nasal, while Gansta's Paradise should be really deep. I even think Joelle might be better at it.
    TL;DR: The acts are one by one really great. Music and lighting are done perfectly to fit the act and the choreography. However: The composition of putting it all together could be done better. By simply changing some acts around and some rather minor adaptions, this could actually be parkshow of World Class. 

    I will definitely watch the show again and knowing Phantasialand, some improvements will be done along the way. Really looking forward to what Miss Löffelhardt can do with it.
  12. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Johnny Gomez erhalten in [Berlin] Törtchen & Co.   
    Die Kwalität verbessert sich, und so wird auch der Preis höher.
    Ich wundere mich aber wo das hin geht. Der Zugangspreis ist ja schon recht heftig. Bald werden normal Familien sich auch das Essen im Park nicht mehr leisten können. Das Mandschu ist jetzt noch das Preiswürdigste Restaurant im Park. Bis man auch das einen "Upgrade" gibt. Dan bleibt wirklich nur Burger/Wurst und Pommes da. Einen Snack wird schon heftig so.
  13. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von UP87 erhalten in Neu 20XX: Spekulationen/Wünsche   
    Auf der IAAPA gibt's doch recht viele die VR anbieten und ausserhalb von Europa auch recht viel liefern dürfen. Nur ist Mack halt auf einen Steinwurf entfernt, und die anderen sind das nicht. Es würde mir auch gar nicht wundern wenn der PHL die Technik irgendwo gekauft hat und Ambient/Mack den Auftrag gegeben hat den Film zu machen. Mack/EP kauft sich die Technik (so weit ich weis) auch irgendwo ein. 
  14. Churro!
    Coasterfrenzy reagierte auf Jokie in Sonstige Veränderungen im Park   
    Auf dem Video ist der Grund für die Musik doch klar erkennbar: Da probt gerade jemand in der Musikschule.
  15. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von luZer erhalten in [Berlin] Nobis (Seit 2021)   
    Ich habe die Show gestern auch gesehen un sie hat uns sehr positiv überrascht.
    Einen Review von mir.. aber in English damit ich mir besser aus drücken kann.
    The Choreography at the start of the show first seemed a bit odd to me. But when the little poem started I was sold. At that moment I didn't consider it to be a story - or part of a story - yet, but more like the creation of a setting and atmosphere I really liked. The whole new darker setting and theming of the theatre, the music. Everything seemed to work perfectly together. (goes for the majority of the show BTW). This intro does exactly what it should do: Create the setting/Atmosphere and makes people curious about the rest.

    After this introduction there is a great musical built up to... NOTHING. The music breaks down and people start assembling a little stage in the center after which an extremely slow act starts. Don't get me wrong: The act is very good. But at the start of the show you need to create a great first impression and this really isn't doing it simply because of the anti-climax after the built-up and the slowness of the act. Third reason is that repeating visitors (and those are definitely not only Club members: Me and my mom neither have a membership, yet we get recognized by some employees) have been able to see basically the same act for at least a decade now. Sometimes in the summer season, sometimes in the winter season, but it's getting really old. Personally I would have adapted the Choreography in the intro in a way that the stage could have been already there (no anti-climax to built it up) and replace it with the rollerskating act (Off with a bang to get that great first impression). The current act would definitely be welcome back during another part of the show.
    I don't think the music is too bombastic in general. (like some people mentioned here). Rather; I think the acts don't live up to what the music is promising. The Duet with both singers is great, but the two men dancing in the back really don't provide a lot too look and the music itself isn't enough to entertain (I know some of you hated the "everybody" ending of Musarteum, but the song alone was enough to entertain people and have them participate). I would advise putting the dance crew to work for this act. Choreography doesn't necessarily need to change - it's really good -  but in this case: Numbers impress greatly. (actually: No matter how bad, stupid or silly a dance is, if enough people do it exactly at the same time, it will still look great to an audience). 
    What I really noticed was the great improvement in Light-Design during the whole show. The acts are lit perfectly and the whole lighting really give a great atmosphere. This is also why I rather wouldn't change the music (as some suggested), but just change some small things to some acts.. that would make it work together much much better than just changing the music (which would include changing lighting choreography and basically everything) 
    As many already mentioned: The continuing story feels forced and really doesn't add much good to the show. The idea behind it is good though. The stage needs to change, something needs to be removed, something else needs to be built up and you don't want people to look at that. A distraction in the form of a mystical story being told by a mystical half-white, half-black person does the trick for that, but doesn't really add to the show in a whole. And let's be honest here: It's really hard to get this right. A solution is to change up the acts a bit. They don't all have to play right in the middle. You can do one act more to the right of the stage and while it's going on there, another act can be built up on the left part. Or maybe use other parts of the stage. The advantage of this stage is that there are actually a lot of place where something can be performed. Of course there is the main stage, but there is also another level above in front of the curtains (former book cases) and there are even the balconies to the far left and right (where you now can see a fallen chandelier).  This can be used a lot more, especially when using dance. You could overwhelm people by so many different things to see, while at the same time: The main stage is free to built up the next stage. Especially now that there is more attention to live singing and dancing. (on a few occasion it is actually done this way, but they can do more).
    near the end of the show they basically make the same mistake as at the beginning: You want to go out with a BANG to keep a good lasting impression. To leave a good taste behind after the people leave the show, so that they are hungry for more and come back. The final act is again very good, but there are other acts in the show that would be better as finale.
    I agree that Gangsta's Paradise isn't the right song for the singer. His voice is way to nasal, while Gansta's Paradise should be really deep. I even think Joelle might be better at it.
    TL;DR: The acts are one by one really great. Music and lighting are done perfectly to fit the act and the choreography. However: The composition of putting it all together could be done better. By simply changing some acts around and some rather minor adaptions, this could actually be parkshow of World Class. 

    I will definitely watch the show again and knowing Phantasialand, some improvements will be done along the way. Really looking forward to what Miss Löffelhardt can do with it.
  16. Churro!
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Ruechrist erhalten in Neu 20XX: Spekulationen/Wünsche   
    Vielen dank. 

    Die 28.5m ist an der Seite wo der Eingang von der Hollywood Tour ist. (gleiche Ebene wie Berggeiststraße). Da geht aber auch noch einiges in der Tiefe, also alles im Allen könnte man dort eine recht grosse Attraktion hin stellen.
  17. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von achterbahndennis erhalten in Neu 20XX: Spekulationen/Wünsche   
    162,5 müNN sagt mir gar nichts (ich weis was es heist, aber ohne Vergleich, ist es sinnlos)... Wie hoch ist die Halle denn jetzt in müNN?
  18. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Sidewinder erhalten in [Berlin] Nobis (Seit 2021)   
    Ich habe die Show gestern auch gesehen un sie hat uns sehr positiv überrascht.
    Einen Review von mir.. aber in English damit ich mir besser aus drücken kann.
    The Choreography at the start of the show first seemed a bit odd to me. But when the little poem started I was sold. At that moment I didn't consider it to be a story - or part of a story - yet, but more like the creation of a setting and atmosphere I really liked. The whole new darker setting and theming of the theatre, the music. Everything seemed to work perfectly together. (goes for the majority of the show BTW). This intro does exactly what it should do: Create the setting/Atmosphere and makes people curious about the rest.

    After this introduction there is a great musical built up to... NOTHING. The music breaks down and people start assembling a little stage in the center after which an extremely slow act starts. Don't get me wrong: The act is very good. But at the start of the show you need to create a great first impression and this really isn't doing it simply because of the anti-climax after the built-up and the slowness of the act. Third reason is that repeating visitors (and those are definitely not only Club members: Me and my mom neither have a membership, yet we get recognized by some employees) have been able to see basically the same act for at least a decade now. Sometimes in the summer season, sometimes in the winter season, but it's getting really old. Personally I would have adapted the Choreography in the intro in a way that the stage could have been already there (no anti-climax to built it up) and replace it with the rollerskating act (Off with a bang to get that great first impression). The current act would definitely be welcome back during another part of the show.
    I don't think the music is too bombastic in general. (like some people mentioned here). Rather; I think the acts don't live up to what the music is promising. The Duet with both singers is great, but the two men dancing in the back really don't provide a lot too look and the music itself isn't enough to entertain (I know some of you hated the "everybody" ending of Musarteum, but the song alone was enough to entertain people and have them participate). I would advise putting the dance crew to work for this act. Choreography doesn't necessarily need to change - it's really good -  but in this case: Numbers impress greatly. (actually: No matter how bad, stupid or silly a dance is, if enough people do it exactly at the same time, it will still look great to an audience). 
    What I really noticed was the great improvement in Light-Design during the whole show. The acts are lit perfectly and the whole lighting really give a great atmosphere. This is also why I rather wouldn't change the music (as some suggested), but just change some small things to some acts.. that would make it work together much much better than just changing the music (which would include changing lighting choreography and basically everything) 
    As many already mentioned: The continuing story feels forced and really doesn't add much good to the show. The idea behind it is good though. The stage needs to change, something needs to be removed, something else needs to be built up and you don't want people to look at that. A distraction in the form of a mystical story being told by a mystical half-white, half-black person does the trick for that, but doesn't really add to the show in a whole. And let's be honest here: It's really hard to get this right. A solution is to change up the acts a bit. They don't all have to play right in the middle. You can do one act more to the right of the stage and while it's going on there, another act can be built up on the left part. Or maybe use other parts of the stage. The advantage of this stage is that there are actually a lot of place where something can be performed. Of course there is the main stage, but there is also another level above in front of the curtains (former book cases) and there are even the balconies to the far left and right (where you now can see a fallen chandelier).  This can be used a lot more, especially when using dance. You could overwhelm people by so many different things to see, while at the same time: The main stage is free to built up the next stage. Especially now that there is more attention to live singing and dancing. (on a few occasion it is actually done this way, but they can do more).
    near the end of the show they basically make the same mistake as at the beginning: You want to go out with a BANG to keep a good lasting impression. To leave a good taste behind after the people leave the show, so that they are hungry for more and come back. The final act is again very good, but there are other acts in the show that would be better as finale.
    I agree that Gangsta's Paradise isn't the right song for the singer. His voice is way to nasal, while Gansta's Paradise should be really deep. I even think Joelle might be better at it.
    TL;DR: The acts are one by one really great. Music and lighting are done perfectly to fit the act and the choreography. However: The composition of putting it all together could be done better. By simply changing some acts around and some rather minor adaptions, this could actually be parkshow of World Class. 

    I will definitely watch the show again and knowing Phantasialand, some improvements will be done along the way. Really looking forward to what Miss Löffelhardt can do with it.
  19. Verliebt
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Das_Equipment erhalten in [Berlin] Nobis (Seit 2021)   
    Ich habe die Show gestern auch gesehen un sie hat uns sehr positiv überrascht.
    Einen Review von mir.. aber in English damit ich mir besser aus drücken kann.
    The Choreography at the start of the show first seemed a bit odd to me. But when the little poem started I was sold. At that moment I didn't consider it to be a story - or part of a story - yet, but more like the creation of a setting and atmosphere I really liked. The whole new darker setting and theming of the theatre, the music. Everything seemed to work perfectly together. (goes for the majority of the show BTW). This intro does exactly what it should do: Create the setting/Atmosphere and makes people curious about the rest.

    After this introduction there is a great musical built up to... NOTHING. The music breaks down and people start assembling a little stage in the center after which an extremely slow act starts. Don't get me wrong: The act is very good. But at the start of the show you need to create a great first impression and this really isn't doing it simply because of the anti-climax after the built-up and the slowness of the act. Third reason is that repeating visitors (and those are definitely not only Club members: Me and my mom neither have a membership, yet we get recognized by some employees) have been able to see basically the same act for at least a decade now. Sometimes in the summer season, sometimes in the winter season, but it's getting really old. Personally I would have adapted the Choreography in the intro in a way that the stage could have been already there (no anti-climax to built it up) and replace it with the rollerskating act (Off with a bang to get that great first impression). The current act would definitely be welcome back during another part of the show.
    I don't think the music is too bombastic in general. (like some people mentioned here). Rather; I think the acts don't live up to what the music is promising. The Duet with both singers is great, but the two men dancing in the back really don't provide a lot too look and the music itself isn't enough to entertain (I know some of you hated the "everybody" ending of Musarteum, but the song alone was enough to entertain people and have them participate). I would advise putting the dance crew to work for this act. Choreography doesn't necessarily need to change - it's really good -  but in this case: Numbers impress greatly. (actually: No matter how bad, stupid or silly a dance is, if enough people do it exactly at the same time, it will still look great to an audience). 
    What I really noticed was the great improvement in Light-Design during the whole show. The acts are lit perfectly and the whole lighting really give a great atmosphere. This is also why I rather wouldn't change the music (as some suggested), but just change some small things to some acts.. that would make it work together much much better than just changing the music (which would include changing lighting choreography and basically everything) 
    As many already mentioned: The continuing story feels forced and really doesn't add much good to the show. The idea behind it is good though. The stage needs to change, something needs to be removed, something else needs to be built up and you don't want people to look at that. A distraction in the form of a mystical story being told by a mystical half-white, half-black person does the trick for that, but doesn't really add to the show in a whole. And let's be honest here: It's really hard to get this right. A solution is to change up the acts a bit. They don't all have to play right in the middle. You can do one act more to the right of the stage and while it's going on there, another act can be built up on the left part. Or maybe use other parts of the stage. The advantage of this stage is that there are actually a lot of place where something can be performed. Of course there is the main stage, but there is also another level above in front of the curtains (former book cases) and there are even the balconies to the far left and right (where you now can see a fallen chandelier).  This can be used a lot more, especially when using dance. You could overwhelm people by so many different things to see, while at the same time: The main stage is free to built up the next stage. Especially now that there is more attention to live singing and dancing. (on a few occasion it is actually done this way, but they can do more).
    near the end of the show they basically make the same mistake as at the beginning: You want to go out with a BANG to keep a good lasting impression. To leave a good taste behind after the people leave the show, so that they are hungry for more and come back. The final act is again very good, but there are other acts in the show that would be better as finale.
    I agree that Gangsta's Paradise isn't the right song for the singer. His voice is way to nasal, while Gansta's Paradise should be really deep. I even think Joelle might be better at it.
    TL;DR: The acts are one by one really great. Music and lighting are done perfectly to fit the act and the choreography. However: The composition of putting it all together could be done better. By simply changing some acts around and some rather minor adaptions, this could actually be parkshow of World Class. 

    I will definitely watch the show again and knowing Phantasialand, some improvements will be done along the way. Really looking forward to what Miss Löffelhardt can do with it.
  20. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von to b erhalten in [Berlin] Nobis (Seit 2021)   
    Ich habe die Show gestern auch gesehen un sie hat uns sehr positiv überrascht.
    Einen Review von mir.. aber in English damit ich mir besser aus drücken kann.
    The Choreography at the start of the show first seemed a bit odd to me. But when the little poem started I was sold. At that moment I didn't consider it to be a story - or part of a story - yet, but more like the creation of a setting and atmosphere I really liked. The whole new darker setting and theming of the theatre, the music. Everything seemed to work perfectly together. (goes for the majority of the show BTW). This intro does exactly what it should do: Create the setting/Atmosphere and makes people curious about the rest.

    After this introduction there is a great musical built up to... NOTHING. The music breaks down and people start assembling a little stage in the center after which an extremely slow act starts. Don't get me wrong: The act is very good. But at the start of the show you need to create a great first impression and this really isn't doing it simply because of the anti-climax after the built-up and the slowness of the act. Third reason is that repeating visitors (and those are definitely not only Club members: Me and my mom neither have a membership, yet we get recognized by some employees) have been able to see basically the same act for at least a decade now. Sometimes in the summer season, sometimes in the winter season, but it's getting really old. Personally I would have adapted the Choreography in the intro in a way that the stage could have been already there (no anti-climax to built it up) and replace it with the rollerskating act (Off with a bang to get that great first impression). The current act would definitely be welcome back during another part of the show.
    I don't think the music is too bombastic in general. (like some people mentioned here). Rather; I think the acts don't live up to what the music is promising. The Duet with both singers is great, but the two men dancing in the back really don't provide a lot too look and the music itself isn't enough to entertain (I know some of you hated the "everybody" ending of Musarteum, but the song alone was enough to entertain people and have them participate). I would advise putting the dance crew to work for this act. Choreography doesn't necessarily need to change - it's really good -  but in this case: Numbers impress greatly. (actually: No matter how bad, stupid or silly a dance is, if enough people do it exactly at the same time, it will still look great to an audience). 
    What I really noticed was the great improvement in Light-Design during the whole show. The acts are lit perfectly and the whole lighting really give a great atmosphere. This is also why I rather wouldn't change the music (as some suggested), but just change some small things to some acts.. that would make it work together much much better than just changing the music (which would include changing lighting choreography and basically everything) 
    As many already mentioned: The continuing story feels forced and really doesn't add much good to the show. The idea behind it is good though. The stage needs to change, something needs to be removed, something else needs to be built up and you don't want people to look at that. A distraction in the form of a mystical story being told by a mystical half-white, half-black person does the trick for that, but doesn't really add to the show in a whole. And let's be honest here: It's really hard to get this right. A solution is to change up the acts a bit. They don't all have to play right in the middle. You can do one act more to the right of the stage and while it's going on there, another act can be built up on the left part. Or maybe use other parts of the stage. The advantage of this stage is that there are actually a lot of place where something can be performed. Of course there is the main stage, but there is also another level above in front of the curtains (former book cases) and there are even the balconies to the far left and right (where you now can see a fallen chandelier).  This can be used a lot more, especially when using dance. You could overwhelm people by so many different things to see, while at the same time: The main stage is free to built up the next stage. Especially now that there is more attention to live singing and dancing. (on a few occasion it is actually done this way, but they can do more).
    near the end of the show they basically make the same mistake as at the beginning: You want to go out with a BANG to keep a good lasting impression. To leave a good taste behind after the people leave the show, so that they are hungry for more and come back. The final act is again very good, but there are other acts in the show that would be better as finale.
    I agree that Gangsta's Paradise isn't the right song for the singer. His voice is way to nasal, while Gansta's Paradise should be really deep. I even think Joelle might be better at it.
    TL;DR: The acts are one by one really great. Music and lighting are done perfectly to fit the act and the choreography. However: The composition of putting it all together could be done better. By simply changing some acts around and some rather minor adaptions, this could actually be parkshow of World Class. 

    I will definitely watch the show again and knowing Phantasialand, some improvements will be done along the way. Really looking forward to what Miss Löffelhardt can do with it.
  21. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Wintersun erhalten in [Geschlossen] [Mexiko] Ice College 2019 / 2020 / 2021   
    Gestern die Show gleich zwei mal gesehen. Die neue Crew hat uns echt begeistert. Man sieht das es eine tolle Crew ist die sehr gut zusammen passt.
    Tifani hat die "Fever" nummer gemacht. Sie ist noch nicht so gut wie Katja, aber unendlich viel besser als Eva. Und die Show spielt noch nicht mal einen Monat. Gib sie einige Monate und sie wird bestimmt genau so gut.

    Auch Nicole in der Rolle der Ausenseiterin hat das sehr gut gemacht. Für mich gibt's keine bessere als wie Kristin das  damals gemacht hat, aber auch hier geht's nah ran. 
    Die neue Scene finde ich ganze gut. Klar: Nerd der schlecht in Sport (Basketball) ist, passt perfekt im College-thema, aber die Fake-Schlittshuh-Geräsche waren sehr Nervend. 

    Es haben sich überigens recht viele Sachen an der Show geändert, aber das meiste sind nur recht kleine sachen in der Choreographie.
    Aber auch einige Bemerkungen.
    Nick war frei, deswegen hat Alexey den Solo gemacht. Alexey zeigt das er gut laufen kann, aber die Choreographie passt ihm gar nicht. In der 1. Saison machte er auch den Solo als Zabato frei war, und da hatte er sein eigenes Ding gemacht. Nun versucht er aber die Choreographie von Nick zu machen. Ich Hoffe Frau Löffelhardt und Alexey können zusammen sich was anderes aus denken was besser zu Alexey (aber mit gleicher Musik) passt.
    Auch noch eine Bemerkun über das Intro.. Seit 2020 ist die im A****. Das Lichtspiel ware PERFEKT zur Musik abgestimmt. In 2020 hat man dan die Musik etwas länger gemacht, aber das Licht-Programm nur ganz lieblos auch in der Länge gezogen.

    Die nummer endet mit einen "Tah-Dam". Früher war es so:
    Tah (Gelbe Lichter aus)
    Dam (Blaue lichter aus

    Finster, applaus: Start Show mit "Put it on the Ritz".

    Nun is es so:
    Lichter: Alle aus.
    Musik geht weiter und spielt noch das "Tah-Dam"
    Das fühlt für mich irgindwo eher amateuristisch an. Obwohl 90% der Besucher das bestimmt nicht auf fällt.
    Aber alles in allem freue ich mich mehr von dieser Crew zo sehen. Ich hoffe der Park kann viele davon fest halten.
  22. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von LeoLa erhalten in [Berlin] Nobis (Seit 2021)   
    Ich habe die Show gestern auch gesehen un sie hat uns sehr positiv überrascht.
    Einen Review von mir.. aber in English damit ich mir besser aus drücken kann.
    The Choreography at the start of the show first seemed a bit odd to me. But when the little poem started I was sold. At that moment I didn't consider it to be a story - or part of a story - yet, but more like the creation of a setting and atmosphere I really liked. The whole new darker setting and theming of the theatre, the music. Everything seemed to work perfectly together. (goes for the majority of the show BTW). This intro does exactly what it should do: Create the setting/Atmosphere and makes people curious about the rest.

    After this introduction there is a great musical built up to... NOTHING. The music breaks down and people start assembling a little stage in the center after which an extremely slow act starts. Don't get me wrong: The act is very good. But at the start of the show you need to create a great first impression and this really isn't doing it simply because of the anti-climax after the built-up and the slowness of the act. Third reason is that repeating visitors (and those are definitely not only Club members: Me and my mom neither have a membership, yet we get recognized by some employees) have been able to see basically the same act for at least a decade now. Sometimes in the summer season, sometimes in the winter season, but it's getting really old. Personally I would have adapted the Choreography in the intro in a way that the stage could have been already there (no anti-climax to built it up) and replace it with the rollerskating act (Off with a bang to get that great first impression). The current act would definitely be welcome back during another part of the show.
    I don't think the music is too bombastic in general. (like some people mentioned here). Rather; I think the acts don't live up to what the music is promising. The Duet with both singers is great, but the two men dancing in the back really don't provide a lot too look and the music itself isn't enough to entertain (I know some of you hated the "everybody" ending of Musarteum, but the song alone was enough to entertain people and have them participate). I would advise putting the dance crew to work for this act. Choreography doesn't necessarily need to change - it's really good -  but in this case: Numbers impress greatly. (actually: No matter how bad, stupid or silly a dance is, if enough people do it exactly at the same time, it will still look great to an audience). 
    What I really noticed was the great improvement in Light-Design during the whole show. The acts are lit perfectly and the whole lighting really give a great atmosphere. This is also why I rather wouldn't change the music (as some suggested), but just change some small things to some acts.. that would make it work together much much better than just changing the music (which would include changing lighting choreography and basically everything) 
    As many already mentioned: The continuing story feels forced and really doesn't add much good to the show. The idea behind it is good though. The stage needs to change, something needs to be removed, something else needs to be built up and you don't want people to look at that. A distraction in the form of a mystical story being told by a mystical half-white, half-black person does the trick for that, but doesn't really add to the show in a whole. And let's be honest here: It's really hard to get this right. A solution is to change up the acts a bit. They don't all have to play right in the middle. You can do one act more to the right of the stage and while it's going on there, another act can be built up on the left part. Or maybe use other parts of the stage. The advantage of this stage is that there are actually a lot of place where something can be performed. Of course there is the main stage, but there is also another level above in front of the curtains (former book cases) and there are even the balconies to the far left and right (where you now can see a fallen chandelier).  This can be used a lot more, especially when using dance. You could overwhelm people by so many different things to see, while at the same time: The main stage is free to built up the next stage. Especially now that there is more attention to live singing and dancing. (on a few occasion it is actually done this way, but they can do more).
    near the end of the show they basically make the same mistake as at the beginning: You want to go out with a BANG to keep a good lasting impression. To leave a good taste behind after the people leave the show, so that they are hungry for more and come back. The final act is again very good, but there are other acts in the show that would be better as finale.
    I agree that Gangsta's Paradise isn't the right song for the singer. His voice is way to nasal, while Gansta's Paradise should be really deep. I even think Joelle might be better at it.
    TL;DR: The acts are one by one really great. Music and lighting are done perfectly to fit the act and the choreography. However: The composition of putting it all together could be done better. By simply changing some acts around and some rather minor adaptions, this could actually be parkshow of World Class. 

    I will definitely watch the show again and knowing Phantasialand, some improvements will be done along the way. Really looking forward to what Miss Löffelhardt can do with it.
  23. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Peddaaa erhalten in [Berlin] Nobis (Seit 2021)   
    Ich habe die Show gestern auch gesehen un sie hat uns sehr positiv überrascht.
    Einen Review von mir.. aber in English damit ich mir besser aus drücken kann.
    The Choreography at the start of the show first seemed a bit odd to me. But when the little poem started I was sold. At that moment I didn't consider it to be a story - or part of a story - yet, but more like the creation of a setting and atmosphere I really liked. The whole new darker setting and theming of the theatre, the music. Everything seemed to work perfectly together. (goes for the majority of the show BTW). This intro does exactly what it should do: Create the setting/Atmosphere and makes people curious about the rest.

    After this introduction there is a great musical built up to... NOTHING. The music breaks down and people start assembling a little stage in the center after which an extremely slow act starts. Don't get me wrong: The act is very good. But at the start of the show you need to create a great first impression and this really isn't doing it simply because of the anti-climax after the built-up and the slowness of the act. Third reason is that repeating visitors (and those are definitely not only Club members: Me and my mom neither have a membership, yet we get recognized by some employees) have been able to see basically the same act for at least a decade now. Sometimes in the summer season, sometimes in the winter season, but it's getting really old. Personally I would have adapted the Choreography in the intro in a way that the stage could have been already there (no anti-climax to built it up) and replace it with the rollerskating act (Off with a bang to get that great first impression). The current act would definitely be welcome back during another part of the show.
    I don't think the music is too bombastic in general. (like some people mentioned here). Rather; I think the acts don't live up to what the music is promising. The Duet with both singers is great, but the two men dancing in the back really don't provide a lot too look and the music itself isn't enough to entertain (I know some of you hated the "everybody" ending of Musarteum, but the song alone was enough to entertain people and have them participate). I would advise putting the dance crew to work for this act. Choreography doesn't necessarily need to change - it's really good -  but in this case: Numbers impress greatly. (actually: No matter how bad, stupid or silly a dance is, if enough people do it exactly at the same time, it will still look great to an audience). 
    What I really noticed was the great improvement in Light-Design during the whole show. The acts are lit perfectly and the whole lighting really give a great atmosphere. This is also why I rather wouldn't change the music (as some suggested), but just change some small things to some acts.. that would make it work together much much better than just changing the music (which would include changing lighting choreography and basically everything) 
    As many already mentioned: The continuing story feels forced and really doesn't add much good to the show. The idea behind it is good though. The stage needs to change, something needs to be removed, something else needs to be built up and you don't want people to look at that. A distraction in the form of a mystical story being told by a mystical half-white, half-black person does the trick for that, but doesn't really add to the show in a whole. And let's be honest here: It's really hard to get this right. A solution is to change up the acts a bit. They don't all have to play right in the middle. You can do one act more to the right of the stage and while it's going on there, another act can be built up on the left part. Or maybe use other parts of the stage. The advantage of this stage is that there are actually a lot of place where something can be performed. Of course there is the main stage, but there is also another level above in front of the curtains (former book cases) and there are even the balconies to the far left and right (where you now can see a fallen chandelier).  This can be used a lot more, especially when using dance. You could overwhelm people by so many different things to see, while at the same time: The main stage is free to built up the next stage. Especially now that there is more attention to live singing and dancing. (on a few occasion it is actually done this way, but they can do more).
    near the end of the show they basically make the same mistake as at the beginning: You want to go out with a BANG to keep a good lasting impression. To leave a good taste behind after the people leave the show, so that they are hungry for more and come back. The final act is again very good, but there are other acts in the show that would be better as finale.
    I agree that Gangsta's Paradise isn't the right song for the singer. His voice is way to nasal, while Gansta's Paradise should be really deep. I even think Joelle might be better at it.
    TL;DR: The acts are one by one really great. Music and lighting are done perfectly to fit the act and the choreography. However: The composition of putting it all together could be done better. By simply changing some acts around and some rather minor adaptions, this could actually be parkshow of World Class. 

    I will definitely watch the show again and knowing Phantasialand, some improvements will be done along the way. Really looking forward to what Miss Löffelhardt can do with it.
  24. Churro!
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Ruechrist erhalten in [Geschlossen] [Mexiko] Ice College 2019 / 2020 / 2021   
    Gestern die Show gleich zwei mal gesehen. Die neue Crew hat uns echt begeistert. Man sieht das es eine tolle Crew ist die sehr gut zusammen passt.
    Tifani hat die "Fever" nummer gemacht. Sie ist noch nicht so gut wie Katja, aber unendlich viel besser als Eva. Und die Show spielt noch nicht mal einen Monat. Gib sie einige Monate und sie wird bestimmt genau so gut.

    Auch Nicole in der Rolle der Ausenseiterin hat das sehr gut gemacht. Für mich gibt's keine bessere als wie Kristin das  damals gemacht hat, aber auch hier geht's nah ran. 
    Die neue Scene finde ich ganze gut. Klar: Nerd der schlecht in Sport (Basketball) ist, passt perfekt im College-thema, aber die Fake-Schlittshuh-Geräsche waren sehr Nervend. 

    Es haben sich überigens recht viele Sachen an der Show geändert, aber das meiste sind nur recht kleine sachen in der Choreographie.
    Aber auch einige Bemerkungen.
    Nick war frei, deswegen hat Alexey den Solo gemacht. Alexey zeigt das er gut laufen kann, aber die Choreographie passt ihm gar nicht. In der 1. Saison machte er auch den Solo als Zabato frei war, und da hatte er sein eigenes Ding gemacht. Nun versucht er aber die Choreographie von Nick zu machen. Ich Hoffe Frau Löffelhardt und Alexey können zusammen sich was anderes aus denken was besser zu Alexey (aber mit gleicher Musik) passt.
    Auch noch eine Bemerkun über das Intro.. Seit 2020 ist die im A****. Das Lichtspiel ware PERFEKT zur Musik abgestimmt. In 2020 hat man dan die Musik etwas länger gemacht, aber das Licht-Programm nur ganz lieblos auch in der Länge gezogen.

    Die nummer endet mit einen "Tah-Dam". Früher war es so:
    Tah (Gelbe Lichter aus)
    Dam (Blaue lichter aus

    Finster, applaus: Start Show mit "Put it on the Ritz".

    Nun is es so:
    Lichter: Alle aus.
    Musik geht weiter und spielt noch das "Tah-Dam"
    Das fühlt für mich irgindwo eher amateuristisch an. Obwohl 90% der Besucher das bestimmt nicht auf fällt.
    Aber alles in allem freue ich mich mehr von dieser Crew zo sehen. Ich hoffe der Park kann viele davon fest halten.
  25. Like
    Coasterfrenzy hat eine Reaktion von Mümpfchen erhalten in [Geschlossen] [Mexiko] Ice College 2019 / 2020 / 2021   
    Gestern die Show gleich zwei mal gesehen. Die neue Crew hat uns echt begeistert. Man sieht das es eine tolle Crew ist die sehr gut zusammen passt.
    Tifani hat die "Fever" nummer gemacht. Sie ist noch nicht so gut wie Katja, aber unendlich viel besser als Eva. Und die Show spielt noch nicht mal einen Monat. Gib sie einige Monate und sie wird bestimmt genau so gut.

    Auch Nicole in der Rolle der Ausenseiterin hat das sehr gut gemacht. Für mich gibt's keine bessere als wie Kristin das  damals gemacht hat, aber auch hier geht's nah ran. 
    Die neue Scene finde ich ganze gut. Klar: Nerd der schlecht in Sport (Basketball) ist, passt perfekt im College-thema, aber die Fake-Schlittshuh-Geräsche waren sehr Nervend. 

    Es haben sich überigens recht viele Sachen an der Show geändert, aber das meiste sind nur recht kleine sachen in der Choreographie.
    Aber auch einige Bemerkungen.
    Nick war frei, deswegen hat Alexey den Solo gemacht. Alexey zeigt das er gut laufen kann, aber die Choreographie passt ihm gar nicht. In der 1. Saison machte er auch den Solo als Zabato frei war, und da hatte er sein eigenes Ding gemacht. Nun versucht er aber die Choreographie von Nick zu machen. Ich Hoffe Frau Löffelhardt und Alexey können zusammen sich was anderes aus denken was besser zu Alexey (aber mit gleicher Musik) passt.
    Auch noch eine Bemerkun über das Intro.. Seit 2020 ist die im A****. Das Lichtspiel ware PERFEKT zur Musik abgestimmt. In 2020 hat man dan die Musik etwas länger gemacht, aber das Licht-Programm nur ganz lieblos auch in der Länge gezogen.

    Die nummer endet mit einen "Tah-Dam". Früher war es so:
    Tah (Gelbe Lichter aus)
    Dam (Blaue lichter aus

    Finster, applaus: Start Show mit "Put it on the Ritz".

    Nun is es so:
    Lichter: Alle aus.
    Musik geht weiter und spielt noch das "Tah-Dam"
    Das fühlt für mich irgindwo eher amateuristisch an. Obwohl 90% der Besucher das bestimmt nicht auf fällt.
    Aber alles in allem freue ich mich mehr von dieser Crew zo sehen. Ich hoffe der Park kann viele davon fest halten.
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